I have been coaching singers for over a decade and have worked with hundreds of young, emerging and professional artists. Feeding off the experience of my extensive studies in Europe and my work with various opera companies and as a composer, I always approach each voice differently and try to give each singer the tools and working methods that suit their individual voice. I strongly believe that the role of a coach is not to teach vocal technique but rather to work on musical details that will ultimately improve a singer’s overall sound quality, pronunciation and work methods. A private coaching may typically include:
- Opera and operetta interpretation (Italian, German, French, English)
- Opera and operetta character analysis and development
- Musical theatre interpretation
- Art song interpretation (Italian, German, French, English, Spanish)
- Diction (Italian, French, German, English)
- Warmups
- Vocal exercises (Vaccai, Concone, etc.)
- Cadenza writing
- Work methods
I coach privately at my Montreal studio and with the young singers of Concordia University. I’m also a faculty pianist of the Halifax Summer Opera Festival and Scuola internazionale di teatro italiano Giovanni Grasso.
For rates and bookings, please write me at gcscalia@gmail.com
Giancarlo Scalia is an excellent vocal coach and collaborative pianist. He works with my Concordia University and private voice students contributing greatly to their professional development. He has comprehensive knowledge of lyric diction, performance practices, and repertoire. He is reliable, organized and thorough, a wonderful mentor for my students. He is personable, respectful and attentive, it is a pleasure collaborating with him in studio lessons. I also feel very lucky to be able to work with him as a singer. He is a refined and sensitive musician, and I enjoy performing with him and listening to him accompany my students.
– Irene Feher, mezzo-soprano and voice professor, Concordia University
– John Mac Master, tenor and assistant professor, McGill University, Scuola internazionale di teatro italiano Giovanni Grasso
Giancarlo Scalia is a wonderful coach who brings a rich and varied background to his work as a coach, répétiteur and music director. Fluent in Italian, French and English, he is very familiar with the standard opera and song literature. He is a knowledgeable colleague with excellent teaching skills; he sets the bar high but is always supportive of those working with him, and he is able to adjust his teaching to the level and needs of each singer. He is an accomplished pianist and a frequent collaborator on the concert stage. As a published composer and a frequent music director, he sees his coaching within a bigger framework – the aria within the composer’s whole oeuvre; the singer’s role within the whole of the work to be performed. I recommend him highly; it is always a pleasure to collaborate with Giancarlo Scalia!
– Marie-Danielle Parent, soprano et professeur, École de musique Vincent d’Indy
Depuis 10 ans, Giancarlo Scalia accompagne ma classe de Jeux Scéniques au niveau collégial à l’École de musique Vincent-d’Indy. Bon pianiste, il a acquis une grande expertise, c’est un coach vocal très apprécié des élèves. Il se rend toujours disponible, on peut vraiment compter sur lui!
– Isabelle Leclerc, professeur, École de musique Vincent d’Indy
Excellent pianiste-accompagnateur et coach vocal, Giancarlo Scalia est un collaborateur précieux depuis plusieurs années dans ma classe de chant. Spécialement avec les jeunes chanteurs, les débutants, il sait être encourageant, motivant et il a toujours de bons conseils à prodiguer aux élèves.
– Marie-Nathalie Lacoursière, metteure en scène et professeur, École de musique Vincent d’Indy
Giancarlo est un véritable soutien et un guide pour les jeunes chanteurs. En plus d’être bon accompagnateur, arrangeur et compositeur, il contribue aux idées artistiques de l’opéra que nous travaillons.
– Élisabeth Nivet, soprano
Une grande rigueur dans l’approche du texte, tant musical que linguistique; une grande connaissance du répertoire et son approche de compositeur pour donner un éclairage particulier, voilà les qualités qui me font travailler régulièrement, et avec grand plaisir, avec Giancarlo, tant sur le long terme que parfois en urgence. Un partenaire presque indispensable.
– Melanie C., soprano
Virtuosic pianist, sensitive accompanist … is there anything Giancarlo can’t do? His knowledge of operatic repertoire is boundless and enthusiastic, his musical suggestions are always astute, and he understands singers and singing. I feel lucky to have Giancarlo as a coach – he fills in the gaps in my musical knowledge and never makes me feel like an idiot. Thank you!